
150+ publications, 30+ journal papers, FT50: 1; ABS: 2×4, 8×3, 4×2, 1×1; SCIMAGO: 17×Q1, (of which 11×D1, 3×C1)
3 authored books, 1 edited book, 15 book chapters, 100+ conference papers and talks
Citations: Web of Knowledge 900+, Scopus 1,000+, ResearchGate 2,000+, Google Scholar 3,000+
h‑index: Web of Knowledge 12, Scopus 13, ResearchGate 18, Google Scholar 22


  1. Viktor Dörfler (2023) Yöneticiler İçin Yapay Zekâ (What Every CEO Should Know About AI), Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları İş Türk A.Ş., Istambul, Turkey. [the Turkish edition of the next]
  2. Viktor Dörfler (2022) What Every CEO Should Know About AI, Cambridge Elements in Business Strategy, Cambridge University Press, DOI: 10.1017/9781009037853
  3. Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (editors) (2020) Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity, Edward Elgar Publishing, DOI: 10.4337/9781786439659
  4. Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler – Jolán Velencei (2005) Majstor i kalfa (Master and Apprentice), SinergijA [published in Croatian]
  5. Viktor Dörfler (1998) Minőségmenedzsment. ISO és TQM (Quality Management: ISO and TQM), „Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei Könyvtárak” Egyesülés [published in Hungarian]

Journal papers

  1. Dóra Göndöcs – Viktor Dörfler (2024) AI in Medical Diagnosis: AI Prediction & Human Judgment, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 149: 102769 DOI: 10.1016/j.artmed.2024.102769
  2. Bhawani Bhatnagar – Viktor Dörfler – Jillian MacBryde (2023) Navigating the open innovation paradox: An integrative framework for adopting open innovation in pharmaceutical R&D in developing countries, Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(6): 2204–2248 DOI: 10.1007/s10961-022-09958-6
  3. Alina Bas – Marta Sinclair – Viktor Dörfler (2023) Sensing: The Elephant in the Room of Management Learning?, Management Learning, 54(4): 489–510 DOI: 10.1177/13505076221077226
  4. Mégane Miralles – Bill Lee – Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (2022) Investigating Trauma: Methodological, Emotional and Ethical Challenges for the Qualitative Researcher (editorial), Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 17(4): 397-405 DOI: 10.1108/QROM-11-2022-999
  5. Obafemi Olekanma – Viktor Dörfler – Farhad Shafti (2022) Stepping into the participants’ shoes: The Trans Positional Cognition Approach (TPCA), International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21: 1-19 DOI: 10.1177/16094069211072413
  6. Agnessa Spanellis – Igor Pyrko – Viktor Dörfler (2022) Gamifying Situated Learning in Organisations, Management Learning, 53(3): 525-546 DOI: 10.1177/13505076211038812
  7. Miriam Feuls – Marc Stierand – Viktor Dörfler – David Boje –Usha Haley (2021) Practices of Creative Leadership: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis in Haute Cuisine, Creativity and Innovation Management, 30(4): 783-797 DOI: 10.1111/caim.12471
  8. Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (2021) Bracketing: A Phenomenological Theory Applied Through Transpersonal Reflexivity, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 34(4): 778-793 DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-12-2019-0393
  9. Agnessa Spanellis – Jill MacBryde – Viktor Dörfler (2021) A Dynamic Model of Knowledge Management in Innovative Technology Companies: A Case of the Energy Sector, European Journal of Operational Research, 292(2): 784-797 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.11.003
  10. Agnessa Spanellis – Viktor Dörfler – Jill MacBryde (2020) Investigating the Potential for Using Gamification to Empower Knowledge Workers, Expert Systems with Applications, 160 DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113694
  11. Agnessa Shpakova – Viktor Dörfler – Jill MacBryde (2020) Gamifying the Process of Innovating, Innovation: Organization & Management, 22(4): 488-502 DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2019.1642763
  12. Viktor Dörfler – Colin Eden (2019) Understanding ‘Expert’ Scientists: Implications for Management and Organization Research, Management Learning, 50(5): 534-555 DOI: 10.1177/1350507619866652
  13. Igor Pyrko – Viktor Dörfler – Colin Eden (2019) Communities of Practice in Landscapes of Practice, Management Learning, 50(4): 482-499 DOI: 10.1177/1350507619860854
  14. Marc Stierand – David Boje – Vlad Petre Glăveanu – Viktor Dörfler – Usha Haley – Miriam Feuls (2019) Paradoxes of Creativity: Examining the Creative Process Through an Antenarrative Lens, Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(2): 165-170 DOI: 10.1002/jocb.224
  15. Igor Pyrko – Viktor Dörfler – Colin Eden (2017) Thinking Together: What Makes Communities of Practice Work?, Human Relations, 70(4): 389-409 DOI: 10.1177/0018726716661040
  16. Agnessa Shpakova – Viktor Dörfler – Jillian MacBryde (2017) Changing the Game: A Case for Gamifying Knowledge Management, World Journal of Science, Technology & Sustainable Development, 14(2/3): 143-154 DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-01-2017-0002
  17. Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler (2017) An Essay Concerning Human Decisions, The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 8: 71-82 DOI: 10.22545/2017/00088
  18. Marc Stierand – Viktor Dörfler (2016) The Role of Intuition in the Creative Process of Expert Chefs, Journal of Creative Behavior, 50(3): 178–185 DOI: 10.1002/jocb.100
  19. Jolán Velencei – Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (2016) Supporting the Competent Practitioner Transdisciplinary Coaching with a Knowledge-Based Expert System, International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 2(12): 20-27 DOI: 10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.212.1002
  20. Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler – Judit Ágnes Kádár (2016) The New Practitioner: Transcending Disciplinary Boundaries, Work Based Learning e-Journal International, 6(1): 8-21
  21. Igor Pyrko – Viktor Dörfler – Colin Eden (2015) Thinking Together: Making Communities of Practice Work, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2015(1) DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2015.310
  22. Marc Stierand – Viktor Dörfler – Jillian MacBryde (2014) Creativity and Innovation in Haute Cuisine: Towards a Systemic Model, Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(1): 15-28 DOI: 10.1111/caim.12050
  23. Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler – Jaszmina Szendrey – Jolán Velencei (2014) What is the Difference? There was Always Lifelong Learning, International Scientific Journal of Management Information System, 9(2): 3-9
  24. Viktor Dörfler – Fran Ackermann (2012) Understanding Intuition: The Case for Two Forms of Intuition, Management Learning, 43(5): 545–564 DOI: 10.1177/1350507611434686
  25. Marc Stierand – Viktor Dörfler (2012) Reflecting on a Phenomenological Study of Creativity and Innovation in Haute Cuisine, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(6): 946-957 DOI: 10.1108/09596111211247254
  26. Umit Bititci – Patrizia Garengo – Viktor Dörfler – Sai Nudurupati (2012) Performance Measurement: Challenges for Tomorrow, International Journal of Management Reviews, 14(3): 305-327 DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2011.00318.x
  27. Viktor Dörfler (2010) Learning Capability: The Effect of Existing Knowledge on Learning, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 8(4): 369-379 DOI: 10.1057/kmrp.2010.15
  28. Viktor Dörfler – Zoltán Baracskai – Jolán Velencei (2010) Understanding Creativity, Transactions on Advanced Research, 6(2): 18-26
  29. Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler – Jolán Velencei (2007) Ocjena rizika nije upravljanje rizikom (Risk Evaluation is not Risk Management), Strategijski menadžment, 12(1-2): 15-17 [published in Croatian]
  30. Viktor Dörfler (2005) Rationalities for Decision Taking, Strategijski menadžment, 10(1 2): 59-64
  31. Zoltán Baracskai – Jolán Velencei – Viktor Dörfler (2005) Reductive Reasoning, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 1(1): 59-66
  32. Viktor Dörfler – Jolán Velencei (1999) Tudásrendezés (Knowledge Engineering), Gazdaság, Vállalkozás, Vezetés, 3(4): 64-73 [published in Hungarian]
  33. Ferenc Bereczki – Viktor Dörfler (1998-1999) Minőségmenedzsment a képzésben I-III (Quality Management in Education I-III), Személyügyi Hírlevél, 1998/11: 16-23; 1998/12: 17-29; 1999/1: 27-32 [published in Hungarian]

Book sections

  1. Viktor Dörfler (2023) Artificial Intelligence, James Mattingly (editor) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Sage Publications, 37-41 DOI: 10.4135/9781071872383.n15
  2. Alina Bas – Viktor Dörfler (2023) Intuition, James Mattingly (editor) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Sage Publications, 413-417 DOI: 10.4135/9781071872383.n99
  3. Mégane Miralles, Marc Stierand & Viktor Dörfler (2023) Investigating Refugees’ Challenges in Setting Up a Business, Saunders, Mark NK, Lewis, Philip & Thornhill, Adrian (Eds.) Research Methods for Business Students (9th edition), Pearson Education, 385-389
  4. Viktor Dörfler (2020) Artificial Intelligence, Mark A Runco & Steven R Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Creativity (3rd edition), Academic Press, 57-64 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.23863-7
  5. Viktor Dörfler – Alina Bas (2020) Intuition: Scientific, Non-Scientific or Unscientific?, Marta Sinclair (editor) Handbook of Intuition Research as Practice, Edward Elgar, 293-305 DOI: 10.4337/9781788979757.00033
  6. Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (2020) Introduction to the Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity, Viktor Dörfler & Marc Stierand (editors) Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity, Edward Elgar, 1-8 DOI: 10.4337/9781786439659.00006
  7. Agnessa Shpakova – Viktor Dörfler – Jillian MacBryde (2019) Gamifying Innovation and Innovating Through Gamification, Vanessa Ratten – Paul Jones – Vitor Braga – Carla Susana Marques (editors) Subsistence Entrepreneurship: The Interplay of Collaborative Innovation, Sustainability and Social Goals, Springer, 183-194 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11542-5_10
  8. Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (2019) Extraordinary: Reflections on Sample Representativeness, Vlad Petre Glăveanu – Izabela Lebuda (editors) The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research, Palgrave Macmillan, 569-584 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95498-1_36
  9. Viktor Dörfler – Marc Stierand (2017) The Underpinnings of Intuition, Jay Liebowitz – Joanna Paliszkiewicz – Jerzy Gołuchowski (editors) Intuition, Trust, and Analytics, Taylor & Francis, 3-20 DOI: 10.1201/9781315195551-1
  10. Viktor Dörfler – Zoltán Baracskai – Jolán Velencei (2015) Mashup Content for Passionate Learners: Bridge between Formal and Informal Learning, Michael Herzog (editor) Economics of Communication: ICT driven fairness and sustainability for local and global marketplaces, Oldenbourg/De Gryter, 105-129
  11. Viktor Dörfler – Colin Eden (2014) Research on Intuition using Intuition, Marta Sinclair (editor) Handbook of Intuition Research Methodology, Edward Elgar, 264-276 DOI: 10.4337/9781782545996.00031
  12. Marc Stierand – Viktor Dörfler (2014) Researching Intuition in Personal Creativity, Marta Sinclair (editor) Handbook of Intuition Research Methodology, Edward Elgar, 249-263 DOI: 10.4337/9781782545996.00030
  13. Marc Stierand – Viktor Dörfler (2011) Methods against Methods, Anabela Mesquita (editor) Technology for Creativity and Innovation: Tools, Techniques and Applications, IGI Global, 121-134 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-519-3.ch006
  14. Viktor Dörfler (2010) Fit for Innovation, Adam Jolly (consultant editor) The Innovation Handbook: How to Develop, Manage and Protect Your Most Profitable Ideas, (2nd edition) Kogan Page, 150-153
  15. Jolán Velencei – Zoltán Baracskai – Viktor Dörfler (2009) Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge Restaurants, Erzsébet Noszkay (editor) The Capital of Intelligence – the Intelligence of Capital, Infota, 203-221