
AI and Intuition. My talk at the Sezginin Bilimi Webinar Serisi, Webinar #3 (The Science of Intuition, Webinar Series, Webinar #3), 30 November 2023
A mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos hiedelmek és tények (Believes and Facts of AI). My talk at the Menedzsment és Controlling Egyesület (Management and Controlling Association) workshop, 29 November 2023, Budapest, Corvinus University [in Hungarian]
Accelerate Knowing & Learning – Human and AI. My talk at the Chartered Banker Annual Banking Conference 2023, “Responsible Banking: Embracing Digital Transformation in the Age of AI” 14-15 November 2023, online.

AI Leadership: What Every CEO Should Know

Keynote talk at the G.R.I.D event, Zagreb, Croatia, 24th May 2023 [event news in Croatian]

Viktor Dörfler, stručnjak za AI: ChatGPT nije posebno revolucionarna tehnologija

Interviewed by Ksenija Puškarić of the Lider Magazine, 19th May 2023 [conducted and published in Croatian]

When the computer says no, challenge it

Interviewed by the Chartered Banker Institute, 25th March 2022